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Enhance Your Confidence-Part One

Updated: Oct 15, 2020

How is your relationship with confidence? Does it trouble you when you need it the most? Does it leave your side and replaces it with anxiety in stressful situations?

If that is how your confidence behaves, here are some useful tips for you to increase your confidence:

Tip One: Visualise

There is a constant tussle between the heart and the mind when it comes to confidence. The mind may try to tell the heart the hard facts like “There are too many people in this auditorium.” or “I am not prepared” and the heart may as a result become scared. A great way to tackle this situation is by training your mind.

The trick is Visualising. This involves closing your eyes and imagining how you wish the situation should turn out. This acts as an excellent stress relief technique when your mind is bombarded by too many negatives. This trick helps you to imagine how you want things to be like! This is training/ fooling your mind.

Tip Two: Competence

Visualising yourself as a successful business tycoon is the first step, however achieving the same in reality is not as difficult as it may sound! Break your final goal into smaller, achievable goals. As and when you achieve the smaller goals- reward yourself! When we notice an increase in our competence, we feel more confident.

A bonus tip- Action>Fear. If you allow your actions to drive your life, your fears will definitely take a back seat!

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